Not such a great week this week, exercise-wise, mostly because of a bout of mid-week sickness and lethargy that demand it be treated with rest, rather than recreation. Not to mention being home along with the Real Babylegs while Mr. BL was cavorting down to the Bay Area...turns out that single parenting puts a bit of a cramp in the ol' exercise styleeee. So, Monday: Express; Thursday, about 30 minutes on the elliptical, and finally, a long run of ten (mostly arduous and plodding) miles at Casa Diablo (note, if you will, massive uphill at the beginning and 7,000 ft elevation....

For some reason I had banished the steepness of the first part of this run out of my consciousness, probably because the steepness of the out translates to a fun, speedy downhill on the way back. That is, unless you ran about 2 miles further than you should have and even the speedy downhill isn't much fun. So, a little walking on the pretext of having to adjust my ipod, but running of a sort mostly, and I made it all 10 miles at a "modest" 9:38 pace. And it was beautiful of course, especially the way back when you have a clear view to the Sierra Crest and the Minarets all the way past Mammoth.
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